Number of projects found: 2
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    Rekonstrujte s námi mši J. D. Zelenky!

    Author: Collegium 1704

    Podpořte vydání unikátního CD, které rekonstruuje imaginární mši J. D. Zelenky.

    Pledged  EUR 7,026 of EUR 6,089

    115 % Successfully finished
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    Collbenka 1704

    Author: Collegium 1704

    We renovate the industrial grounds of the former ČKD factory on Kolbenova Street in Prague, and we turn it into a new point on Prague’s cultural map. We create a new space for art ensembles rehearsals and culture events from a former distribution center.

    Pledged  EUR 14,846 of EUR 12,178

    121 % Successfully finished
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