Havel Speaking, Can You Hear Me?

Leaving. And the presence of a playwright, prisoner of conscience, statesman and a director of his own life. An unprecedented story, unknown shots, absolute openness. Your support will allow us to complete the film without compromises. Thank you.

Author: Petr Jančárek

Informace k dokumentárnímu filmu "Tady Havel, slyšíte mě?"

Oct 7, 2019

V Praze dne 7. října 2019

Vážená paní, vážený pane,

především dovolte, abych Vám znovu poděkoval za Vaši podporu, která našemu týmu umožnila pracovat na dokumentu Tady Havel, slyšíte mě? v podmínkách, které odpovídají významu našeho hlavního hrdiny. A protože se blíží listopad, chci Vám zároveň poskytnout nové – doufám, že pozitivní - informace, týkající se našeho projektu.

Tou změnou, která má zásadní vliv na průběh věcí příštích, je to, že se k nám připojil producent Jiří Konečný se svou společností ENDORFILM (m.j. držitel Českého lva za rok 2018 za nejlepší film). Přesvědčil nás, že bychom při hledání optimálních možností, jak šířit prostřednictvím našeho dokumentu myšlenky a odkaz Václava Havla do světa, měli pomýšlet v první řadě na zahraniční filmové festivaly v následujícím kalendářním roce. Případná účast na nich by totiž znamenala zcela nové možnosti pro distribuci a uplatnění filmu. Upřímně musím napsat, že jsme s takovou strategií původně příliš nepočítali…

Tyto úvahy a změny samozřejmě nic nemění na naší dohodě s Vámi. On-line zpřístupnění první verze filmu, určené výhradně pro naše podporovatele, proběhne tak jak jsme slíbili, tedy v listopadu 2019. Pozvánky na oficiální českou, resp. zahraniční premiéru filmu podle jednotlivých druhů "odměn" z našeho projektu na HitHit samozřejmě také dál platí,

Termíny včas oznámíme našim podporovatelům dřív, než bude publikován veřejně. Doufáme, že distribuce všech „odměn“ za podporu filmu proběhla bez problémů, pokud tomu tak není, dejte nám, prosím, vědět.

Rádi bychom verzi filmu, kterou Vy a ostatní podporovatelé budete moci v listopadu zhlédnout, důsledně nazývali pracovní a testovací, aby nemohlo dojít třeba i k nechtěné záměně za premiéru oficiální. Pevně doufám, že Vy i ostatní podporovatelé změnu v našich plánech pochopíte, stejně jako nezbytné posunutí oficiální premiéry filmu na jaro 2020, které souvisí právě s přihláškami na festivaly. Ty totiž vyžadují copyright filmu z roku konání festivalu. Jsem přesvědčený, že možnost oficiální světové premiéry filmu Tady Havel, slyšíte mě? na některém ze světových festivalů, o nichž uvažujeme, je úžasná a neopakovatelná. První neoficiální reakce ze zahraničí nám dovolují pomýšlet na opravdu ty nejlepší z nich.

Navržená časová změna přináší ještě jednu kvalitu - totiž možnost využít zpětnou vazbu od našich podporovatelů. Verze filmu, kterou Vám poskytneme, bude delší než verze pro oficiální světovou premiéru. Rádi bychom k ní připojili jednoduchý dotazník, v němž byste nám jako první diváci sdělili, co vás na filmu zaujalo a naopak. Získali bychom tak možnost do finální verze "vtělit" také názory širšího (byť přísně omezeného), publika, nebo k nim přinejmenším přihlédnout.

Kvůli zpětné vazbě chystáme v listopadu také několik projekcí kratších ukázek z filmu na Moravě, spojených s besedou (celková délka ukázek bude cca 40 min). Půjde pravděpodobně o Frýdek-Místek a Prostějov (17 a 20 hod dne 29/10), Napajedla a Uherské Hradiště (17 a 20 hod dne 30/10), Opavu (odpoledne 14/11), Jeseník (pravděpodobně 20 hod dne 16/11) a Nový Jičín (17/11, čas ještě není upřesněn). Budeme mít také příležitost uvést kratší ukázky v pracovní projekci na Festivalu dokumentárních filmů JIHLAVA (ve dnech 24 nebo 25/10). Pokud by to pro Vás bylo zajímavé a prakticky dosažitelné, rádi Vám pošleme podrobnější informace a rádi se s Vámi potkáme osobně už při této příležitosti. O případných dalších možnostech zhlédnout naši práci osobně v rámci testovacích projekcí Vás budeme informovat. A protože člověk nikdy neví, ještě uvedu, že pokud byste náhodou byl 6/11 ve Washingtonu, dovolím si Vás pozvat na projekci ukázek na českém velvyslanectví, spojenou s panelovou diskusí).

Neváhejte se, prosím, ozvat s dotazy či připomínkami a nezapomeňte nás informovat o případné změně Vaší mailové adresy. Jsme rádi, že jste s námi, jsme vděčni za Vaši podporu.

Děkuji Vám ještě jednou za podporu a za vstřícné přijetí novinek v našem projektu.

Petr Jančárek

režisér a koproducent filmu

EUR 59,903
pledged of EUR 15,764


380% completed

1,471 contributors pledged


All or nothing. Project finished on Apr 6, 2019 at 02:42.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 236

    You will support a good thing and you will be the first one to see the film at the exclusive online premiere in November 2019.

    The ticket (access code to the server with the film) will be sent to the e-mail address you have provided on HitHit.

    A few days ahead of the film release, we will kindly remind you (also by email) that you have the ticket and that you can watch our documentary about a great, interesting and significant person. 

    You will get an English version of our document, of course.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3.90
    (CZK 99)
  • sold 599

    You will support a good thing and for the price of a classic cinema ticket you will be amongst the first ones to see a new documentary about Václav Havel at the online film premiere in November 2019.

    The ticket (access code to the server with the film) will be sent to the e-mail address you have provided on HitHit.

    A few days ahead of the film release, we will kindly remind you that you have the code in your email inbox and that you can start looking forward to watching our documentary.

    You will get an English version of our document, of course.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 6.31
    (CZK 160)
  • sold 73
    ONE-TIME ENTRY TO DOX - CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART and the ticket to the online premiere

    As a thank you for your support of the film, you will receive the admission ticket to the DOX - Centre of Contemporary Art in Holešovice and, of course, the opportunity to see our film as one of the first.

    DOX entry voucher and the access code for the server with the film will be sent to the mail you have provided on HitHit. However, you do not have to wait until November to visit the DOX exhibitions…

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.76
    (CZK 400)
  • remaining 49 from 200
    A DELICIOUS BRAZILIAN COFFEE PACKAGE and the ticket to the online premiere

    Watch the film "Havel Speaking, Can You Hear Me?" while enjoying a cup of great Brazilian coffee. We will deliver a package of this delicious Coffee with a Story prepared at Mamacoffee - Family Roasting Plant to your house address as a thank you for your support.

    The ticket to the online premiere will be sent to your mail. And also, on our website (in the Project Support section) you will find interesting information from the fragrant world of coffee and coffee fair trade.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 17.73
    (CZK 450)
  • remaining 33 from 40
    SCREENING OF THE FILM EXCERPTS FOR PEOPLE IN A WHEELCHAIR, ticket to the online film premier

    This is a reward for the fans of our documentary, who, for any reason, cannot get to the Gulliver Airship over Holešovice Roofs and see the film there. THE ENTRY FOR YOUR PERSONAL ASSISTANT IS OF COURSE FREE.

    At the Auditorium of DOX Centre of Contemporary Art we will show you the excerpts screening of the film before its online premiere. The screening will be complemented by a discussion with the authors of the film and a short documentary on how the unique space over DOX was created - the airship Gulliver. The date will be announced well in advance.

    The ticket (the access code for the server with the film) and the voucher to the screening and discussion with the authors for you and your personal assistant will be sent to the mail you have provided on HitHit.

    The event will take place in the Czech language, we apologize.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.70
    (CZK 500)
  • remaining 184 from 240
    SCREENING OF THE FILM EXCERPTS IN THE AIRSHIP GULLIVER, ticket to the online film premiere

    As a thank you for your support, we are screening the excerpts of the film in the unique space of the Gulliver airship above the roofs of Holešovice.

    A discussion with the authors will follow as well as the screening of a short documentary on how the airship flying over DOX Center of Contemporary Art was created. You can choose from three dates (the capacity of one screening is 80 people).

    The ticket (the access code for the server with the film) to the online and the voucher to the screening and discussion with the authors will be sent to the mail you have provided on HitHit.

    The event will take place in the Czech language, we apologize.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.65
    (CZK 600)
  • remaining 42 from 50
    Tickets to THE INTERNATIONAL THEATRE STUDIO FARM IN THE CAVE and to the online film premiere

    For your support of the film, you will get a chance to visit the International Theatre Studio FARM IN THE CAVE (repertoire of the year 2019) in the new DOX multifunctional hall and of course to see our film among the first in an online preview.

    You will get the voucher for one of the FARM performances and the ticket (access code) for the film to the mail you have provided on HitHit. The entrance is wheelchair accessible and the ticket is also valid for one assisting person.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 31.53
    (CZK 800)
  • sold 53
    4 VOUCHERS TO THE DOX CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ART and the ticket to the online film premiere

    Enjoy the film and interesting exhibitions of contemporary art with friends or family. For your support, you will have the chance to see the unique online film premiere in November 2019 and to go together to the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art.

    The ticket (access code to the server) and the voucher for entry to the DOX for a family or 4 people will be sent to the mail you have provided on HitHit. You do not have to wait until November with the visit to the exhibitions in Holešovice, but we will definitely remind you of the film premiere a few days ahead.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.41
    (CZK 1,000)
  • sold 45

    You will be helping a good thing even more and you will be amongst the first people to see the film in November 2019. In addition, your name will be written on the virtual wall of thanks on our website www.tadyhavel.cz.

    You will get the ticket (access code to the server with the film) to the email address you have provided on HitHit, and just to be sure, we will let you know a few days ahead of the film release that you have the ticket and you can enjoy the documentary...  However, your name will appear on the website with our thanks long before that.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 47.29
    (CZK 1,200)
  • remaining 42 from 60
    WINE WITH THE DIRECTOR, with screening of the film excerpts and the ticket to its online premiere

    For your support, allow us to invite you to the excerpt screening of the film (in the DOX auditorium) and the tasting of great wines from the Moravian winery BZENIA, during which you will of able to speak both with the filmmakers and the winemakers. Of course, you'll also get the ticket (access code to the server with the film) to the online premiere of the documentary, which you will have helped to create with your contribution.

    On our website, you can find more information not only on our documentary, but also on the Bzenec winery and its products. We will announce the date well in advance, so there is no chance that you would miss the great combination of wine and film. A few days before the release of the film we will remind you that you have the ticket and you can look forward to watching the film. Anyway, you can visit the great cellars of the Bzenia winery at any time. For details see www.tadyhavel.cz in the Project Support section.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 51.23
    (CZK 1,300)
  • remaining 17 from 20
    A TICKET FOR TWO TO SLOVÁCKÉ DIVADLO in Uherské Hradiště and a ticket to the online film premier

    You will get the voucher for two to a theatre performance and the ticket (access code) to the film at the mail address you have provided on HitHit. In exchange for yout support you and your partner will be able to attend one of the performances of SLOVÁCKÉ DIVADLO and also to watch our film among the first viewers during the online premiere. 

    You will get a voucher for two for a theatre preformance and a ticket (access code) to the film at the mail address you have provided on HitHit.You will also get a contact for the business department of Slovácké divadlo, where you can arrange the performance you want to see and also the date.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 55.17
    (CZK 1,400)
  • remaining 8 from 10

    For your support of the film, you will enjoy (and experience) the performance ”THE INFORMANTS” by the International Theatre Studio FARM IN THE CAVE in the new multifunctional hall of DOX +, after which we invite you for a drink with the director Viliam Dočolomanský and the performers.

    The preview ticket (access code to the server with the film) and the FARM invitation will be sent to the email address you have provided on HitHit. The performance date with more details will be put to the film's website in News and Media section, entrance is accessible for wheelchairs and the ticket is valid for one assisting person.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 59.11
    (CZK 1,500)
  • sold 7

    Together with the group of your friends (the more there will be the happier we will be), you will support a good thing and get the opportunity to see the film in a good company as one of the first at a unique world online premiere in November 2019... Your group’s names will then be jointly and indelibly inscribed on the wall of thanks on the film website.

    The ticket (access code to the server) will be sent to the mail you have provided on HitHit. We will remind you a few days ahead that it is time to call your friends, check if we kept our word with the wall inscription, look at the film and maybe even party together after the screening...

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 70.94
    (CZK 1,800)
  • remaining 4 from 10

    In exchange for your support you will get a DVD with the record of the UŽ JE TO TADY (HERE IT COMES) concert, which was held by Václav Havel on November 14, 2009 at Pragu Crossroads as a commemoration of the big history change of the Czech Republic.

    Performers: Joan BAEZ, Jiří BĚLOHLÁVEK, Renée FLEMING, Lou REED, Jiří STIVÍN, Suzanne VEGA and Pražská komorní filharmonie.

    DVD is unique because of its content and interprets but also because the limited edition of 10 pieces is signed by Dagmar Havlová herself. 

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 78.82
    (CZK 2,000)
  • remaining 9 from 20
    ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP IN THE DOX FRIENDS CLUB and the ticket to the online film premiere

    For your support, you will receive an annual membership of the Friends of the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, which includes free entry to all exhibitions (with one guest). For you personally, we also have invitations to vernissages, access to the lectures in the field of art, design and architecture and public debates on current topics (for 1 person) as well as guided tours (for 1 person). In addition to that you will get a 10% discount in the DOX Café and a 25% discount on the annual subscription to the Art & Antiques magazine.

    You will receive the ticket (access code on the server with the film) and the voucher for the annual DOX Friends Club membership to the mail you have provided on HitHit. Anyway, you do not have to wait with your visit to the exhibitions and other great events at DOX until November!

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 86.70
    (CZK 2,200)
  • remaining 5 from 10
    Divadlo SKLEP - extraordinary show

    For your support of the film, you will be able to visit the extraordinary performance "MLYNY" on November 18, 2019 and of course also watch our film first in the online premiere. You will get a performance voucher and a ticket (access code) for the film on the mail you provided on HitHit. As well as the links and instructions of the SKLEP Theater, with which you details your visit.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 98.52
    (CZK 2,500)
  • remaining 9 from 10
    2 tickets to RockOpera Theatre and on-line premiere of our documentary

    For your support of the film, you will be able to visit one of ROCKOPERA's performances and of course also watch our film first in the online premiere.
    A voucher for two spectators on the show and a ticket (access code) for the film will be sent to the mail you provided on HitHit. As well as a link to the relevant RockOpera theater department to arrange a performance selection and date of your visit.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 130.05
    (CZK 3,300)
  • remaining 3 from 10
    A BOTTLE OF RYZLINK RÝNSKÝ (REISLING WEISS) YEAR 1989. Wine bottle from the BZENIA winery archive.

    For your significant support of the film, you will get an exclusive vintage bottle from the BZENIA winery archive, of Reisling Weiss, from the symbolical year 1989. Of course, it comes with the guarantee of the year and the winery certificate (there are currently only 120 of these unique pieces in the Bzenia cellars).

    Let us also invite you to the formal Czech film premiere, which will take place in November 2019 at the time of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution and the Fall of Communism in Europe.

    If you agree, your name will be inscribed to the wall of thanks on our website.

    The ticket (and access code for the server with the film) to the online film premiere is a matter of course for you, just as it is for any other film supporter.

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 295.57
    (CZK 7,500)
  • remaining 51 from 80

    For your extraordinary support of our project, we will introduce you as a partner of the film in the final credits of the Czech version and let us also invite you (with a companion) to the Czech premiere, which will take place in November 2019 at the time of the commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution and the Fall of Communism in Europe.

    You will also get a bottle of exclusive vintage wine RYZLINK RÝNSKÝ (Reisling Weiss), year 1989 from the BZENIA Winery archives, of course with the guarantee of the year and the winery certificate (there are currently only 120 of these unique pieces in the Bzenia cellars).

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 591.13
    (CZK 15,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    PHOTO Roman Franc: VH and a glass, Na Zábradlí Theatre, 2009.

    An opportunity for collectors. Photographer Roman Franc donated an original photograph called VH and a Glass of Wine, Na Zábradlí Theatre, 2009. 

    You can see the photograph in the News of the project.

    Archive, pigent print of the size of 50x50 cm in archive passe-partout adjusted in hand made oak frame under a museum glass, signed in pen, numbered 4/13.

    This piece of art reaches the highest standards of world galleries. Its common price is 2.500,- USD.

    The work will be delivered by the author himself in Prague or Brno or he will arrange other secure delivery.

    Roman Franc will receive 6.500,- CZK from the price of the rewards which will only cover the cost of adjustment of the photograph. The rest of the price will support the film.

    Of course you will also get the online ticket to the film.


    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 2,561.58
    (CZK 65,000)
  • remaining 3 from 5

    For your extraordinary and fundamental support of the project, we will introduce you as a sponsor of the film in the final credits of the Czech and English film versions. This also includes the company’s logo if the support is provided by its name.

    We will be pleased to invite you (with a companion) to the formal November film premiere in the Czech Republic and to the foreign premiere (unfortunately, in this case, we cannot cover the transport and accommodation costs). The dates will be announced in advance.

    You will also get a bottle of exclusive vintage wine RYZLINK RÝNSKÝ (Reisling Weiss), year 1989 from the BZENIA Winery archives, of course with the guarantee of the year and the winery certificate (there are currently only 120 of these unique pieces in the Bzenia cellars).

    We presume there will be a personal meeting immediately after the end of the HitHit campaign and the contractual administration of your support. If you came to think that you or your company could support our project even more, we would be happy to hear about your terms and conditions.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 3,940.89
    (CZK 100,000)
  • Sold out!!
    BEER WITH THE DIRECTOR and the ticket to the online film premiere

    For your support, allow us to invite you to a great Pilsner beer in the personal presence of the filmmakers. How much you drink is just up to you... It will take place in the popular restaurant U Bansethů, Táborská 49, Prague 4, together with some small refreshments.

    The ticket (the access code for the server with the film) to the online premiere and voucher for the meeting at U Bansethů will be sent to the mail you have provided on HitHit. The date will be announced well in advance so that no one would miss the Pilsner delicacy. Before releasing the film, we will send you a reminder, that you have the ticket and you can get going...

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.56
    (CZK 750)
  • Sold out!!
    A TICKET FOR TWO TO THE THEATRE NA JEZERCE and to the online film premiere

    For your support you will get a chance to visit one of the performances of THE THEATRE NA JEZERCE (from the repertoire of the current season) and of course also be amongst the first to watch our film in the online premiere.

    You will get the voucher for two to a theatre performance and the ticket (access code) to the film at the mail address you have provided on HitHit. You will also get a contact for the business department of THE THEATRE NA JEZERCE, where you can arrange the performance you want to see and also the date.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 70.94
    (CZK 1,800)
  • Sold out!!

    For your support you will get a chance to visit one of the performances of THE THEATRE NA JEZERCE (from the repertoire of the current season) and of course also be amongst the first to watch our film in the online premiere.

    You will get the voucher for two to a theatre performance and the ticket (access code) to the film at the mail address you have provided on HitHit. You will also get a contact for the business department of THE THEATRE NA JEZERCE, where you can arrange the performance you want to see and also the date.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 70.94
    (CZK 1,800)
  • Sold out!!
    DEJVICKÉ DIVADLO - 2 for 2 and on-line premiere ticket

    For your support of the film you will be able to visit the performance  "Zítra to spustíme aneb Kdo je tady gentleman" of Dejvice Theater and of course also watch our film first in the on-line premiere. A voucher for two on the show and a ticket (access code) for the film will be sent to the mail you provided on HitHit. As well as a link to the relevant department of Dejvice Theater, with which you can arrange the date of your visit.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 86.70
    (CZK 2,200)
  • Sold out!!
    Exclusive edition of the book "VÁCLAV HAVEL, TOMKI NĚMEC, PHOTOGRAPHY"

    For your support of the film, you will receive a numbered copy of a unique book of Václav Havel’s black and white photographs, made by his long-time personal photographer Tomki Němec. Each copy will be signed by the author of the work and supplemented with the acknowledgment and signature of the film director. There are only 100 copies available, and these will be numbered and sent to you by mail in the order according to the donation date in the HitHit system.

    If possible, we will deliver a book in English.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 118.23
    (CZK 3,000)