Help us launch the documentary "Garden of Eden"

We are two students who have made a documentary about the life of Imrich - a man with a love for nature who is processing the loss of his magnum opus. Help us immortalise Imrich's legacy and cover expenses associated with the release of the film.

Datum před-premiéry, zasílání odměn a novinky týkající se filmu

Jul 26, 2023

Vážení příznivci filmu, vážení přispěvatelé,

ani netuším, kde začít tuto zprávu. V prvé řadě se Vám chci omluvit za poněkud delší odmlku ohledně stavu projektu, ale v poslední době se toho událo tolik, že sám ještě vše zpracovávám.

Nuže, začněme něčím jednodušším:


Máme termín před-premiéry! Uvolněte si místo v kalendáři, film Vám promítneme 26. srpna 2023 v Malé scéně v Ústí nad Orlicí.

Na místě dostanete své fyzické odměny, zhlédnete celovečerní film a budete si moci popovídat s námi, s naším štábem a s dalšími filmovými příznivci. Samozřejmě Vás na místě čeká i občerstvení!

Pakliže Vám termín nevyhovuje, nezoufejte. Můžete se ozvat Kubovi na emailu a můžeme si dohodnout jiné osobní setkání.

Jméno v titulcích

Jak už jsme avizovali v předešlé zprávě, chceme se Vám odvděčit všem za Vaši přízeň, proto chceme dát jména všech přispěvatelů (ať už jste přispěli jakoukoliv částkou) do závěrečných titulků.

Prosíme tedy všechny přispěvatele, aby nám vyplnili krátký dotazník, zda chtějí být uvedeni v titulcích a v jaké podobě:

Sponzoři vyplňovat formulář nemusí, loga všech společností již máme k dispozici.

Formulář Vám zabere maximálně dvě minuty Vašeho času. :)

Aktualizace odměn

Pakliže Vaše výše příspěvku obsahovala fyzickou odměnu, rádi bychom Vás informovali, že se jich již brzy dočkáte!

Momentálně čekáme na doručení posledních dvou položek pro zdárné expedování a to krabiček na kus půdy a vstupenky na předpremiéru. I pakliže jste kus půdy v odměnách neměli, prosíme o strpení, chceme expedovat vše naráz, abychom neměli v balících zmatek.

Prozatím zde máte obrázky z podepisování plakátů a z kopání kusu půdy!


A něco nekonec...

A než se rozloučíme, rádi bychom Vám pověděli o pár úspěších, kterých už film stihnul dosáhnout.

V prvé řadě byla krátká verze filmu zvolena jako „Nejlepší film“ bakalářského galavečeru Northumbrijské univerzity, kdy jedna z porotkyň, producentka BBC Emma Lawson napsala, že „způsob jakým je vypravován příběh je nežný, plný upřímného charakteru a je podáván s respektem k protagonistovi“.

V návaznosti na to byl film vybrán do oficiálního výběru letošního ročníku festivalu Sunderland Shorts, který je rovněž kvalifikačním festivalem pro ceny BIFA (British Independent Film Awards).

A nejlepší nakonec, film se dostal do předběžného výběru pro Student Academy Awards, v Česku známé jako Studentský Oscar.

Děkujeme, že nás podporujete.

Za tým filmu „Zahrada Boží“,


EUR 4,396
pledged of EUR 4,042


108% completed

69 contributors pledged

Film, Art

All or nothing. Project finished on May 16, 2023 at 14:54.

Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 20
    Just for fun

    For those who want to contribute just for the feel-good factor. :)

    The reward contains nothing. You are free to increase it depending on how much you want to contribute.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 4.04
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 21
    Digital film

    When the film is finished, you will receive a link from us to watch it.

    - a link to the film

    We will deliver the film to you by e-mail.

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 10.11
    (CZK 250)
  • sold 1
    I want my name on the web!

    We'll put your name in the "Contributors" section of the film's website so you'll be written into history!
    You will also receive the film in digital form when it is completed.

    - A link to the film
    - name on the website

    We will deliver the film to you by e-mail. The name will appear on our website!

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 16.17
    (CZK 400)
  • sold 8
    A thank you letter

    You will receive a thank you letter from us signed by the authors and the protagonist, so that you have your contribution "in black and white".
    It also includes previous rewards - digital film and a name on the site.

    - a link to the film
    - name on the website
    - a thank you letter in your mailbox

    The film will be delivered to you by e-mail. The letter will be sent to you by post, the cost of postage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 20.21
    (CZK 500)
  • sold 0
    A thank you letter + POSTER

    In addition to a letter of thanks, you will also receive a colour A3 poster signed by the authors and the protagonist.

    It contains:
    - a link to the film
    - name on the website
    - thank you letter
    - signed A3 poster

    The film will be delivered to you by e-mail. Rewards will be delivered to you by parcel post. The price of postage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is included.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 32.34
    (CZK 800)
  • sold 3
    A thank you letter + PIECE OF LAND

    In addition to a thank you letter, you will receive a piece of soil from Imrich's garden in a box! Put it on display or grow something in it! 
    It also includes previous rewards - digital film and a name on the website.

    - a link to the film
    - name on the web
    - thank you letter
    - "piece of land"

    The film will be delivered to you by e-mail. Rewards will be delivered to you by parcel post. The price of postage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is included.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 32.34
    (CZK 800)
  • sold 8

    You will receive a thank you letter, a signed A3 colour poster and a piece of soil from Imrich's garden in a box!
    It also includes previous rewards - digital film and a name on the website.

    - a link to the film
    - name on the website
    - thank you letter
    - a signed A3 poster
    - "piece of land"

    We will deliver the film to you by e-mail. Rewards will be delivered to you by parcel post. The price of postage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is included.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 40.42
    (CZK 1,000)
  • remaining 37 from 40
    PRE-SCREENING ticket

    You will receive one ticket to the pre-screening of the film, which will take place in the Small Stage in Ústí nad Orlicí (Czech Republic) this summer.

    We will inform you about the date if the campaign is successful.
    If you are unable to attend the preview, we will be happy to make time for you at another date.

    At the preview you will be able to see the finished film and chat with us and other film fans.
    You will also receive all physical rewards from us in a gift bag at the pre-screening and digital rewards.

    - a link to the film
    - name on the website
    - a thank you letter
    - a signed A3 poster
    - "piece of land"
    - ticket for the pre-screening

    Your ticket will be sent to you by post. You will receive the rest of the rewards on the spot! The price of postage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 80.84
    (CZK 2,000)
  • remaining 17 from 20

    You will receive two tickets to the pre-screening of the film, which will take place in the Small Stage in  Ústí nad Orlicí (Czech Republic) this summer.

    We will inform you about the date if the campaign is successful.
    If you are unable to attend the preview, we will be happy to make time for you at another date.

    At the preview you will be able to see the finished film and chat with us and other film fans.
    You will also receive all physical rewards from us in a gift bag at the pre-screening and digital rewards.

    - a link to the film
    - name on the website
    - a thank you letter
    - a signed A3 poster
    - "piece of land"
    - ticket for the pre-screening

    Your ticket will be sent to you by post. You will receive the rest of the rewards on the spot! The price of postage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 121.26
    (CZK 3,000)
  • sold 5
    Become a SPONSOR!

    We will place your name (or company logo) with the other sponsors before the closing credits as a special thank you.
    It will also appear on the posters and on the website in the "For Your Support" section.

    - a link to the film
    - name / logo on the website in the "With a support from" section
    - name / logo before the closing credits
    - name / logo on the posters in the '"Sponsors" section

    The film will be e-mailed to you.

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 202.10
    (CZK 5,000)
  • Sold out!!

    Do you want to make a significant contribution to the making of the film?
    The general partner of the film gets the opportunity to insert their name (company logo) before the beginning of the film, right after the authors' logos.
    You will also get a say at the film's pre-screening, for which you will receive two tickets.
    Your name or logo will also appear on the website and posters in the "general partner" section.

    - a link to the film
    - a thank you letter
    - a signed A3 poster
    - "piece of land"
    - 2 tickets for the pre-screening
    - name / logo on the website in the "General Partner" section
    - name / logo before the film itself
    - name / logo on the posters in the "General Partner" section

    Tickets will be sent to you by mail. You will receive the rest of the rewards on the spot! The price of postage within the Czech Republic and Slovakia is included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 404.20
    (CZK 10,000)