Ghost Stories by Romani writers

KHER Publishing House is soliciting your help in the publishing of a collection of 20 ghost stories in Romani (Czech, Slovak) by Romani writers. We help you to rediscover fear, you can help us promote the body of Romani writing and change stereotypes.

Author: Kher, z.s.

EUR 5,750
pledged of EUR 5,016


114% completed

205 contributors pledged

Community, Literature

Prague, Czechia

All or nothing. Project finished on Oct 10, 2019 at 06:03.

Show all rewards

The Beginning

Do you sometimes like being afraid? As children, we all loved reading scary tales under the blanket and listening to them by the campfire. Now you can relive this experience! Ghost stories, or stories of revenants, are an integral part of Romani oral tradition, told and believed by young and old in most Romani households. We have invited Romani writers to share some of their narrative wealth with us and help us to refamiliarize ourselves with fear. Throw your own séance and invite your family and friends to read from a collection of horror stories that will make your hair stand on end.

The Goal

We would like to give Romani writers the opportunity to reveal an aspect of their cultural wealth which surprises by its vitality, strong emotions and consistency of faith. We want these talented people to reach out to a wider audience and find their fans. We want the writing of the Roma, which did not properly exist until 1989, to form an indivisible part of Czech literary culture. We hope to discover writers who can match and even surpass majority classics. And we want you to be part of the process.

The Book

The collection of twenty ghost stories – vakeribena pal o mule in Romanes – is going to be released in a trilingual (Czech, Slovak and Romani) edition, counting at least 500 copies. The edition will be prefaced by the writer and translator Eva Danišová and illustrated by the cartoonist Martin Zach.

The book is hoping to reveal the spiritual life of the Roma who have an unassailable faith in the ghosts of the dead, who return to this world to deal with their unfinished business or to warn their loved ones of some imminent danger. Ghost stories, or vakeribena pal o mule, are told and shared today just like a hundred years ago and fulfil an essential social and cultural function in the communities.

For those of us who have banished all things spiritual and mystical from our lives, as well as all questions regarding the process of dying and mourning, reading these stories is all the more seductive.

The Plan

The book is going to be released in autumn at around All Souls’ Day. The launch, attended by all the writers included in the book, is going to take the form of a ghost story séance. And those who will defeat their fear and come to the séance shall be rewarded not only by the Roma’s traditional hospitality but also by a copy of the book to take home with them.

Our Pledge

Once we reach our end-sum, we are going to organize a charity collection of warm clothes for people in need in Ústí and Labem because we not only love the writing of the Roma but also believe in helping out all people in dire straits. A photo-report is self-understood.

If we exceed the desired end-sum, we are going to spend the night in one of the scariest places in the Czech Republic, and mobile signal allowing, will photo-report live from the spot because we believe Romani writing is worth a sacrifice.

And should we be lucky enough to gain more than a little on top, we promise to use all extra funding for the support, dissemination and export of Romani writing into small towns and villages.

Who We Are

We are a small non-governmental publishing house comprising Roma- and Czech-studies graduates, coincidentally all women, altogether the mothers of eleven children. Since 2012, we have been supporting and promoting the writing of the Roma by helping them publish, find their audience and make their minority voices be heard. Although we do this as a hobby in our spare time, we have already succeeded in publishing seven electronic and two hardback books and have managed to bring our ever-more popular reading events to renowned literary events such as the Night of Literature, Book World Prague or Tabook.

Why HitHit

Our continuous efforts bring evidence that Romani writing is not only a value in its own right but also has the potential to reduce intercultural tensions, gain the Roma respect and increase their confidence.

Unfortunately, due to insufficient public funding up to a third of all expenses must be covered from other sources. This is often beyond our means, not to mention the fact that our writers usually publish for free. Behind every book there is an incredible amount of energy both in editorial work and fund-raising. We believe in the good tidings that each book of Romani writing brings, and this is why we have decided to solicit your help in making the world a better place.


Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 18
    Good deed

    Elementary magic protection. But if you want to be more protected, you can send how much money you want.

    Reward delivery: in a week after the Hithit project end

    EUR 6.07
    (CZK 150)
  • remaining 19 from 30
    A Christmas card in Romani with Martin Zach’s original illustration

    Magic protection for the whole of next year.

    Delivery by Christmas.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 10.11
    (CZK 250)
  • remaining 25 from 30
    A cool cloth bag with Martin Zach’s original illustration, aka “zajda”

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 14.16
    (CZK 350)
  • remaining 18 from 30
    Kniha hororek na noční stolek III - dalších 30 kusů

    Během tří dnů od přidání další hromady knih je téměř vyprodáno, proto přidáváme dalších 30 kusů do nabídky a máme ohromnou radost z toho, jakému zájmu se kniha těší.
    Může zdobit vaši knihovnu, ale mnohem jistější je, že půjde z ruky do ruky. A až se k vám vrátí, možná trochu opotřebená, najdete jí trvalé místo na vašem nočním stolku.

    Možné osobní předání v Praze.
    Poštovné v rámci ČR a balné v ceně.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 20.23
    (CZK 500)
  • remaining 8 from 15
    Ilona Ferková: Give Us Another One, Lída. Kaštánek’s Tales from the Gambling House.

    A book from Kher’s production. You can see the book at the links below.

    Delivery by Christmas..

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 22.25
    (CZK 550)
  • remaining 2 from 10
    A copy of the book of Romani ghost stories - express delivery

    Speedy delivery within a week of the book’s release

    Delivery by Christmas..

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 26.29
    (CZK 650)
  • remaining 23 from 30
    Copy of the book of Romani ghost stories + a cool cloth bag with Martin Zach’s original illustration

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 32.36
    (CZK 800)
  • remaining 17 from 20
    Copy of book of Romani ghost stories + environmentally friendly coffee cup + zajda full of goodies

    Martin Zach’s design of cloth bag containing an environmentally friendly coffee cup and a copy of the book of Romani ghost stories + a surprise.

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 36.41
    (CZK 900)
  • remaining 3 from 15
    Two copies of the book of Romani ghost stories

    One for you and one as a Christmas present for your loved ones Zajistíme dodání do Vánoc!

    Delivery by Christmas.

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 36.41
    (CZK 900)
  • remaining 4 from 5
    Bytové autorské čtení v Praze s pohoštěním II

    Pro velký zájem o tuto odměnu dáváme možnost dalším pěti zájemcům zakusit v komorním a domáckém prostředí čtení romských autorek a ochutnat nějakou tu dobrotu. Jedinečná předávka - kniha hororek do Vašich rukou od samotných autorek!

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 80.91
    (CZK 2,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3
    Autorský linoryt Martina Zacha (bez rámu) + kniha hororek II

    Pro velký zájem přidáváme 3 kusy linorytu od Martina Zacha. Víc jich nebude, ale my už víme, že budou stát za to. Neváhejte, 3 kusy budou rychle pryč!
    Jde o skvělý dárek pro milovníky umění i ozdobu pro vaše stěny. Ilustrátor knihy Martin Zach, který vtiskl tvář naší předešlé knize Ilony Ferkové Ještě jedno, Lído! (viz odkaz dole), se společně s námi rozhodl dát možnost ještě 3 šťastlivcům, kteří budou díky tomu rovněž mít linoryt s motivem z knihy (25x25 cm) z limitované řady (viz vyprodaná odměna). K tomu pro doplnění kniha hororek s ostatními ilustracemi.
    • linoryt
    • kniha hororek
    Zajistíme dodání do Vánoc.
    Možné osobní předání v Praze.
    Poštovné v rámci ČR a balné v ceně.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 80.91
    (CZK 2,000)
  • remaining 2 from 3
    Donor mention and a bag full of goodies

    Come to the launch, enjoy the limelight and special mention of your help and take home a bag full of goodies.

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 121.36
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 3 from 5
    Martin Zach’s original linocut, framed, + a copy of the book of Romani ghost stories

    Delivery by Christmas.

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 202.27
    (CZK 5,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3
    Acknowledgement inside the book + VIP invite to the launch + a cloth bag full of goodies

    Have your name printed in the book on the list of partners!

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 404.53
    (CZK 10,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    House-reading from book of Romani ghost stories delivered by writers themselves in director’s home

    Come and enjoy reading of three Romani writers in the home atmosphere. Food, drink and good atmosphere!

    Group discount, up to six guests.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 404.53
    (CZK 10,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    Have your portrait included in book’s illustrations + VIP invite to launch + a bag full of goodies

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 606.80
    (CZK 15,000)
  • Sold out!!
    A copy of the book of Romani ghost stories

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 20.23
    (CZK 500)
  • Sold out!!
    Kniha hororek na noční stolek II - dalších 30 kusů

    O knihu je obrovský zájem, proto umožníme dalším 30 zájemcům, aby doputovala až na jejich noční stolek. Poté ozdobí jejich knihovnu, zvlášť, když z ní bude koukat vydařená obálka z dílny ilustrátora Martina Zacha. Ale možná půjde z ruky do ruky a hned tak se domů nevrátí. A to znamená, že jste nám pomohli splnit náš cíl, děkujeme! 

    Možné osobní předání v Praze.
    Poštovné v rámci ČR a balné v ceně.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 20.23
    (CZK 500)
  • Sold out!!
    Second Shift – How to Use the History and Literature of the Roma in Primary School Education

    A book from Romea production. You can see the book at the links below.

    Delivery by Christmas..

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 24.27
    (CZK 600)
  • Sold out!!
    A copy of the book of Romani ghost stories + Martin Zach’s original linocut

    Frame is not included.

    Delivery by Christmas.

    Postage within the Czech Republic and packing included.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 80.91
    (CZK 2,000)
  • Sold out!!
    House-reading from book of Romani ghost stories delivered by writers themselves in director’s home

    Come and enjoy reading of three Romani writers in the home atmosphere. Food, drink and good atmosphere!

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 80.91
    (CZK 2,000)