Cotatcha Orchestra releases album Bigband Electronics

Big band and electronics? That is what an international 16-member Cotatcha Orchestra full of great soloists combine in their author's music . The unique fusion is completed and waiting to be recorded on the album. Help us record and release it.

  • Saxophone section in action

  • Cotatcha Orchestra feat. Ilja Reijngoud

  • Cotatcha Orchestra feat. Mar Vilaseca

  • Peter Korman and Jiří Kotača

  • Marek Kotača

  • Brass section

  • Martin Konvička

  • Horn section

  • We always have fun

  • Kamil Slezák

EUR 4,472
pledged of EUR 3,992


112% completed

139 contributors pledged

Music, Art

Brno, South Moravian Region, Czechia

All or nothing. Project finished on Jun 3, 2020 at 19:30.

Show all rewards

How did it begin

The Cotatcha Orchestra's Big Band has come a long way in its six years of existence. In the beginning, the vision was to play original big band music. From compositions by legendary artists, through contemporary Czech work for big band to cooperation with great foreign guests. Over time, they buit their special own project based on author music combined with electronics. It was created right in the core of the big band and the music is tailored to the whole band and its soloists.

Our journey simply reached another important point, which is the release of the debut album! For recording we have (for you) a rich repertoire of original songs, which are unprecedented by presenting the sound of a big band in a different light thanks to the combination of electronic music. Can't imagine that? So keep reading, more below. ⬇️

When we meet in the studio at the end of June (and we believe that this will be already possible), we will do our utmost to ensure that the album is packed with maximum energy, adventure and sincerity to enrich our culture with something extraordinary. Be part of the birth of a unique recording that will be released under the American label PARMA Recordings in November 2020 and recorded with Grammy nominated sound engineer Jan Košulič. He also helped us to record our quarantine single A Very Old Lady Driving A Ferrari, which has its premiere in this unusual way and deserves to be recorded in studio form.

What is our goal and what do we need your help for?

We want to immortalize the fusion of music worlds to our album and bring it to you as soon as possible. We do not want to make any concessions to quality and so we would like to release a record that will be well recorded, mixed, have a nice cover and booklet. In order to do this, we would need your help to cover the costs of the studio, mixing and mastering of the recordings, pressing the CDs and also cover travel costs of our foreign members. Everything is ready, your support will allow us to follow through! Thanks in advance.

Big band and electronics?

Imagine what a big band can do, how much energy and power is hidden by the music of sixteen great musicians all in one piece. From the subtle notes of piano and double bass to the explosive intensity of drums, trumpets, trombones and saxophones. In the case of the Cotatcha Orchestra, add to this an immense range of electronic music options that support and enhance the resulting emotion and by its presence transmit the whole to the present - our modern world. We would like to share with you this extraordinary sound that combines the cleverness of music with its message. Bigband electronics is not just an odd attempt at originality - an "unprecedented" combination, or a cheap sensation - electronic music has long pervaded all genres and it was time to introduce it to the big band! The album will feature songs by bandleader Jiří Kotač, great pianist Jiří Levíček and Martin Konvička, who is behind the vast majority of music.

Who Is Cotatcha Orchestra?

The sixteen-member band, founded six years ago by trumpeter Jiří Kotača, is composed of leading players of the young generation of Czech, but also Austrian and Slovak jazz scene enthusiastic about discovering new worlds of music. The band's journey to the album Bigband Electronics led through many different projects - from homage to jazz giants Thad Jones and Duke Ellington (with great Swiss singer Géraldine Schnyder), tour with Dutch trombone player Ilja Reijngoud (laureate of Latin Grammy) to arrangement of Czech Baroque carols star of the Spanish scene - singer Mar Vilaseca.

Sixteen top instrumentalists from the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria + electronics :)

Saxophones - Marek Kotača, Radek Zapadlo, Petr Smékal, Ivan Podhola, Radim Hanousek

Trombones - Matthias Zeindlhofer, Jan Galia, Ivan Melin, Michal Motýl

Trumpets - Jan Kozelek, Jaroslav Konečný, Jan Přibil, Jiří Kotača

Rhythm section - Kamil Slezák, Peter Korman, Martin Konvička + electronics

Please help us realize this important step in the life of our orchestra - to release our debut album. Thank you in advance. In case you have any questions about the rewards or anything else, don't hesitate to contact us by email on

Project links


Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 7
    Good feeling

    Donate us a hundred czech crowns or more. Be a reward for your good feeling and belief that even small things can change the world.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 3.99
    (CZK 100)
  • sold 10
    “A Very Old Lady Driving A Ferrari” as a ringing tone

    You are standing in a public area and someone's phone starts ringing in a very familiar tone. You automatically check your pocket, but a second later with a blush on your face you take a "nonchalant" position - NEVER MORE! You will receive from us a special edition of our “A Very Old Lady Driving A Ferrari” in mobile version - ring in an original and tasteful way!

    Reward delivery: on address, in a month after the Hithit project end

    EUR 7.98
    (CZK 200)
  • sold 41
    Digital album Bigband electronics

    Reward for all who want to carry our music with them everywhere. We will email you both the mp3 and the high quality wav format of the album as soon as the album is released.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 9.98
    (CZK 250)
  • remaining 58 from 60
    Digital album Bigband electronics + AZ quiz online

    Do you know what to do with free nights due to closed clubs and concert halls? We thought of you and so we have prepared a reward that will shorten these vierd days.

    Even though we have members from several countries, we cannot forget that the core of the band met in the Moravian metapolis - Brno, where Czech Television has been caring for the intelligence and knowledge of the nation for many years by running a very popular AZ quiz. With this reward you will get a digital version of the album and a chance to practice your head online with selected CO members immediately after purchasing the reward. ATTENTION: Some of our members are feared intellectuals. The second part of the reward - the digital version of the album (mp3 / wav) - will be delivered by email as soon as it is released.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 13.97
    (CZK 350)
  • sold 19
    CD Bigband electronics

    In exchange for your contribution, you get what it is all about - our music immortalized on a physical medium hidden in a beautiful booklet cover. The ideal reward for all who want to have us in physical form at home.

    We will give you the CD either personally at release concert or at other times by agreement or by post (within EU). Please write us your preferred option, possibly with an address.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 18.76
    (CZK 470)
  • sold 10
    Signed CD Bigband electronics

    You get our music immortalized on a physical medium hidden in a beautiful booklet cover. Plus with the signatures of the creators and dedication to whomever you want.

    We will give you the CD either personally at release concert or at other times by agreement or by post (within EU). Please write us your preferred option, possibly with the address and also to whom we should dedicate the album.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 21.96
    (CZK 550)
  • remaining 37 from 50
    Ticket for release concert + digital album

    Immediately after the release of the album you will receive a digital version of the album and a ticket to the grand finale of our endeavor - the official launch of the album, which we are planning for the end of winter 2021.

    If you want two or more tickets, increase the amount as many times as you want. And we will be happy to book them for you.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 21.96
    (CZK 550)
  • remaining 34 from 40
    Exclusive concert of soloists from CO in awarded bar Atelier

    Great drinks, something to eat and a private concert in the pleasant intimate atmosphere of the Atelier bar in Brno, because now is the time for gastronomy and culture to help each other. Waiting pleasantly casual, but also luxury evening. The surplus-value in this case, however, is above all a good feeling that you support not only our project, but also our friends from the Atelier. As a bonus, you will receive a digital version of our album as soon as it sees the light of day. The concert is planned for August or September 2020.

    If you want two or more tickets, increase the amount as many times as you want. And we will be happy to book them for you.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 23.55
    (CZK 590)
  • sold 4
    Private lesson in instrument playing or improvisation

    Do you play a musical instrument? Interested in improvisation? Want advice on choosing a reed, mouthpiece or drumsticks? With this reward, you will receive one hour lesson with chosen member of the orchestra by you. This can take place either personally (once the time has returned to normal) or online. You can choose from seven brassists, five saxophonists / clarinetists, a drummer, a double bass player and a pianist. There are, for example, Jiří Kotača, Martin Konvička, Kamil Slezák, Peter Korman, Marek Kotača, Radim Hanousek, Radek Zapadlo, Michal Motýl, Jan Galia and others.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 27.94
    (CZK 700)
  • remaining 19 from 20
    wine cellar - búda

    The Cotatcha Orchestra is based in Brno, but the roots of several members, including the bandleader Jiří Kotač, lie in the Slovácko region. If you like wine and South Moravian wine cellars , pack up for the weekend and come to Blatnice pod Svatý Antonínkem for guided wine tasting with a winemaker to a traditional blue-white hut from the 19th century. Don't hurry. In fact, you will always stay longer than you thought, because there are many specimens to be cleansed. Don't be afraid of hangovers, as in addition to wine, local butcher specialties will be available to properly lubricate your stomach.

    If you want two or more brooms, increase the amount as many times as you like. And we will be happy to book them for you.

    Reward delivery: in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 35.93
    (CZK 900)
  • sold 0
    Making of

    You are used to watch concerts, but keep wondering what we do before, how does the music sound when we start rehearsing and how's the sound of concert from backstage? Then this reward is made for you.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 35.93
    (CZK 900)
  • remaining 10 from 25
    Little patron

    Do you want a permanent reminder of your generosity at home? With this reward, you will receive both a digital and physical original signed copy of the album, in whose booklet you will be listed as supporters! Signatures of the creators and dedication is commonplace.

    We will send the digital album by email exclusively few weeks before official release date. We will give you the CD either personally  at release concert or at other times by agreement or by post (within EU). Please write us your preferred option, possibly with the address and also to whom we will give the album and especially what name we will include in the booklet.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 39.92
    (CZK 1,000)
  • remaining 40 from 40
    Digital album + ticket for a release concert + 2 other concerts

    You will receive from us a digital version of the album as soon as it is released and a guaranteed entry to the release concert and any other two CO concerts in 2020 and 2021. You will have at least four different programs to choose from. Basically such a subscription ticket - the perfect gift!

    If you want two or more subscriptions, increase the amount as many times as you like. And we will be happy to book them for you.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 47.90
    (CZK 1,200)
  • remaining 4 from 5
    Lesson of composition / arrangement with Martin Konvička

    Would you like to create your own music or edit a song, but you need more knowledge? If so, this reward is made for you. Take a one-hour lesson with Martin Konvička, the author of most of the songs on Bigband Electronics. And maybe it comes to advanced techniques ...

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 47.90
    (CZK 1,200)
  • sold 3
    Signed score + CD or digital album

    Wondering how our music is written down to the smallest detail? Do you like to browse through the scores in the evenings while listening to music? Or do you have "only" obscure collecting ambitions? Either way, you might be interested in a score of your chosen song from our album, which will also be signed by the composer. In addition, we will supply you with a physical or digital version of the album.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 51.90
    (CZK 1,300)
  • remaining 2 from 2
    Projížďka ve Ferrari za zvuku “A Very Old Lady Driving A Ferrari"

    Tahle odměna je pro opravdové fajnšmekry, kteří mají vkus a vášeň pro neobvyklé zážitky.  Jazzmani jsou známí svou vášní pro rychlá auta, tedy alespoň Miles Davis nebo Herbie Hancock. Chcete zjistit, co na tom Miles a Herbie vidí? S touhle odměnou dostanete pravdovou projížďku v nefalšovaném Ferrari 458 Italia, tohle auto je na 100 km/h za 3,3 sekundy a vy u toho navíc můžete poslouchat “A Very Old Lady Driving A Ferrari”. Čas i místo si můžete vybrat a v ceně je i instruktor. Jako bonus od nás dostanete exkluzivní digitální verzi alba pár týdnů před oficiálním vydáním.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.76
    (CZK 3,000)
  • remaining 3 from 3

    Do you want to be our patron? The reward for your generosity will be placing your name or logo of your company not only in the album booklet, but also on all our promotional materials for a period of one year. In addition, you will receive four signed CDs, an exclusive digital version of the album before the official release, two VIP release concert tickets and all other concerts in one year. In addition, we will thank you publicly as part of the launch of the album.

    If you contribute 30,000 or more, we will present you on all promotional materials for two years.

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 998.00
    (CZK 25,000)
  • remaining 1 from 1
    Lifelong partner/patron

    Become our lifelong partner and we will pamper you forever. We will place your logo on all CO promotional materials and you will get all the other rewards from this campaign!

    Reward delivery: not specified

    EUR 3,992.02
    (CZK 100,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Drive real Ferrari listening to our single “A Very Old Lady Driving A Ferrari”

    This reward is for real connoisseurs who have taste and passion for unusual experiences. Jazzmans are known for their passion for fast cars, at least Miles Davis or Herbie Hancock. Want to find out what Miles and Herbie see? With this reward, you get a true ride in a genuine Ferrari 458 Italia, this car is 100 km / h in 3.3 seconds and you can also listen to “A Very Old Lady Driving A Ferrari”. You can choose time and place (CZ or SK) and the price includes an instructor.

    Reward delivery: on address, in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 119.76
    (CZK 3,000)
  • Sold out!!
    Arrangement of your song

    Did you write your song, but you would like to remake or rewrite it? Martin Konvička will make it for you.

    Reward delivery: on address, in a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 399.20
    (CZK 10,000)