Let´s Publish Together Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství

The comic book about Knedlík, Noček, Svíčková, Brokolka and their friends is meant primarily for children, but it will entertain grownups as well. Episodes are full of humour, facts about Czechia, its culture, traditions and also interesting phrases.

Author: Multi authored

  • Let´s publish together Knedlík&jeho dobrodružství

  • Our Four: Noček, Knedlík, Svíčková a Brokolka

  • Authors at the 1st edition´s book launch in Milan

  • Knedlík takes many forms - discover them all!

  • Knedlík is a great traveller

  • Comics is ideal for beginning readers

  • Children send us drawings of Knedlík and friends

  • Knedlík with knedlík (dumpling)

  • Knedlík with the first edition of the book

  • Book of the Children´s Heart

  • One of the worksheets suitable for tuition

  • Jotters for children

  • Granny visiting her grandchildren abroad...

  • Planning to cook svíčková and knedlíky (dumplings)

  • She made the dumpling but had no time for svíčková

  • Knedlík had no choice but to look for svíčková

  • We wear Knedlík on backpacks, coats and hoodies

  • Knedlík is a great traveller!

EUR 5,846
pledged of EUR 4,782


122% completed

122 contributors pledged

Literature, Education

All or nothing. Project finished on Dec 15, 2024 at 10:41.

Show all rewards

Once Upon a Time, or How It all Began 

Once upon a time there was a magazine. Not only was, it still is! It is published online and it is called Krajánek (Little Compatriot). As the name suggests, it is a magazine for Czech children (but not only) abroad. Its editor-in-chief Ivana Kaçmaz had once mentioned - when planning the upcoming year's columns - that it would be great to have a comic in it as well. And that was a welcomed challenge for Zdeňka Strigaro, editor and illustrator, who had entered the editorial board of the magazine having already in mind smuggling, sooner or later, a comic into it. 

So, Zdeňka will be the illustrator. But who will write the script? Here they came up - Lenka Kanellia, who had experience in writing for newspapers and for children, and Jana Schulzová, one of the regular editors of the magazine and a teacher at one of the Czech schools abroad. One word led to another, or rather one email led to another, because Zdeňka lives in an Italian town Castelletto Sopra Ticino, Jana in Milan and Lenka in Greek Athens. 

So, there was the team. But what will the comic be about? And in particular, who will be the main character? We had a couple of ideas. And then… “Knedlík!” Lenka suggested and all three of us got excited about the idea. Knedlík is the most typical Czech side dish - a kind of dumpling or boiled bread. So the decision about the main character was taken and Knedlík’s adventure could begin... 

The first episode called Knedlík a velký útěk (Knedlík and the Great Escape) was published in the magazine on January 6, 2017 - and it still is one of our favorites. Then, everything worked like a charm - we have been publishing a new episode eve

y month for more than 7 years now. Knedlík, Noček, Svíčková, Brokolka, Bábovka, Smažák, Malina, professor Chleba, Žvejka, school teacher Vepřo-Zelo and many other interesting characters experience adventures, one after the other. What will it be next time? When thinking of a new plot and an educational content (delivered in an amusing way), we also project our experiences of our Czech motherland into the script. We want to explain our homeland to kids, even those living abroad, describe it, its culture, traditions, experiences and activities, typical and usual there. Thanks to this particular attention, in 2021 we were acknowledged a grant from the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic for an unmarketable publication of the comic book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství - the collection of all the stories published at the time - destined to Czech children abroad.

Why Do We Want to Publish the Book Again?

Due to the limited number of copies, the first edition of the book has reached just a minor group of readers. Nevertheless the book attracted considerable attention! Funny stories have engaged both young and adult readers in the Czech Republic and abroad. The beautiful 4th place in the competition for the most popular children's book of 2022 called The Book of Children's Heart, V. F. Suk Prize is the confirmation of Knedlík’s popularity. Since then we have been repeatedly asked  by parents, teachers and librarians where to purchase the comic book.

We want to publish the book again and in a higher number of copies so nothing stands in Knedlík´s and his friends´ way to new readers! That is the reason we opted for this crowdfunding campaign! 

Extract From the Book

More About the Book

​The main character of the comic book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství is Knedlík (who else). He was cooked/ prepared by a Czech grandma, who was staying at her daughter's abroad, for her grandchildren. Knedlík then finds himself in the Czech Republic. Soon he meets his future best friend Noček, whose family takes Knedlík to stay in. Before long he becomes acquainted with his dreamy Svíčková, meets Brokolka and other schoolmates. 

They experience a lot of funny, thrilling and happy adventures, at a cottage in the country, on water, at a summer camp, at school or when flying a kite. During a history lesson they get to know the first Czech president Masaryk, at a chemistry class they create fireworks, Knedlík´s school participates in a ski trip, in a grape harvest, a bike trip and visits a castle. In order to impress Svíčková, Knedlík signs in ballroom dancing lessons, he protects nature, plays football and ice-hockey, cleans up castle Lednice. Together with his friends Knedlík builds a snowman, goes to Matějská amusement park, enjoys students´ Majáles or a Witches night, a lantern parade, or he assists a fish harvest. They discover treasures in an attic and play with May kittens. He will not miss Czech Christmas, Humberto Circus or a weekend at Noček´s grandparents. 

All over the book you will find facts about the Czech Republic, its history, interesting idioms, traditional Czech activities and customs and lexical expression. In this entertaining way we bring children to reading and we support their visual literacy. The comic, as an attractive form of literature, has a big potential to strengthen children's motivation and interest in reading. Thanks to visualization, shortcut and wit, a comic is able to mediate even demanding or complex topics. Children can read the book at home all by themselves or with their parents, but a comic can be used in an easy and creative way in educational programmes and workshops as well.

Interesting Facts from behind the Scenes

  • The first episode Knedlík a velký útěk is considerably autobiographical - Zdeňka, Lenka and Jana live abroad in bilingual families. 
  • All three authors met in person for the first time at the launch of the book in Milan in May 2022.  
  • For the launch of the comic book in Athens and Milan we got a stuffed Knedlík sewed. At the moment there are only six of them in the whole world. 
  • Knedlík was spotted by an Italian culture project “Progetto Proč”. Its members keep on translating the episodes one by one.
  • For some children Knedlík was the first book ever to be read all by themselves and some children keep reading it again and again and again.
  • Some characters brought to life in the comic are based on children´s ideas.
  • We really adore inventing names of new characters, such as Bábovka (Sponge Cake), Bedla z Béčka (Parasol Mushroom from class B), dude Smažák, little Řízčata (baby Schnitzels) or lyric opera diva Mrs. Halušková. 
  • At the beginning of our comic writing adventure we really appreciated some advice and hints given by an experienced writer and comic book script writer Klára Smolíková.
  • The Knedlík and the Film episode can only be found in the book since it has never been published in the magazine.

Who Are We? 

Zdeňka Strigaro

Comes from Brno and lives in northern Italy in Castelletto Sopra Ticino, a small city right above the river Ticino not far away from fabulous Lago Maggiore. She loves to sit by her writing desk and edit Italian books translated into Czech, to illustrate books for children and to translate as well. While not seated at her desk she takes care of her family, does gardening, goes on trips and walks the dog in the fields, gazing at the mountains in the distance and letting new ideas come to her. 

Recognition sign: loves dumplings, especially from Grandma. 

Lenka Kanellia 

Born in Plzeň, but brought by destiny to Athens. She facilitates the connection of the Czechs living abroad and helps to maintain Czech cultural heritage within compatriot communities. Her long term aim is to build and strengthen the good name of the Czech Republic abroad and get people from all over the world to know its beauties and cultural wealth. She presides over Krajánek ve světě Association and Czech Association in Greece, she is the head of numerous educational projects and a member of some work groups interested in various expatriate issues.  

When a comic was mentioned for the first time within the editorial board, she said: “I cannot miss that!” and her destiny was sealed.

Jana Schulzová 

She was born in Prague, studied and worked there. But at some point, life had different plans for her and she found herself in northern Italy, in Milan. And somehow it happened that the Czech language and writing had become her daily bread and hobby as well. For many years she has been contributing with her articles to the magazine Krajánek. She participates in an educational online programme destined to children from all over the world and she takes part in activities promoted by the Czech School in Milan, a school which had been under her guidance for four years. She takes an active part in organizing activities for expatriates, children and adults. 

Writing, educational activities and the expatriate community keep her in constant touch with her mother tongue and close to her homeland. And thanks to Krajánek and Knedlík she is living her dream (that before had been hidden somewhere): creative writing.


Choose reward for your contribution

  • sold 47
    🧡 I Am Knedlík’s Fan!

    I want to support the edition of the book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství. I do not want anything in return, just a good feeling.

    The amount can be increased at will :-)

    Reward delivery: in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 1.99
    (CZK 50)
  • sold 7
    🤝 Knedlík with optional delivery

    I want one book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství. The delivery will be accorded once the campaign is closed. I will cover shipping costs within the Czech Republic or to abroad. 

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 13.95
    (CZK 350)
  • sold 37
    🏡 A book with delivery within the Czech Republic

    I want one book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství with delivery within the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 15.54
    (CZK 390)
  • sold 8
    🎁 A Gift Box

    I want a gift box containing one comic book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství, a notebook with Knedlík characters and a badge of Knedlík, with delivery within the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 17.93
    (CZK 450)
  • remaining 7 from 10
    ☕Knedlík in Milan

    I want one book  Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství, handed over personally in Milan by one of the authors.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.92
    (CZK 500)
  • sold 4
    🫶🫶 Two Knedlíks with optional delivery

    I want two books Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství. The delivery will be accorded once the campaign is closed. I will cover shipping costs within the Czech Republic or to abroad. 

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 27.50
    (CZK 690)
  • sold 14
    📙📙 I Will Take Two!

    I want two comic books Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství with delivery within the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 29.89
    (CZK 750)
  • sold 1
    🤗 Knedlík´s Supporter

    I want to support the edition of the book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství. I will receive one book, a special thank you from the authors and a personal drawing me & Knedlík. 

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 79.70
    (CZK 2,000)
  • sold 0
    🏫 A package for schools and Czech communities/compatriotic organisations

    I want 10 books Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství with delivery within the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 129.51
    (CZK 3,250)
  • sold 3
    🤗🤗 Great Knedlík´s Supporter

    I want - so much - to support the edition of the book  Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství. I will receive two books, a special thank you from the authors and a personal drawing me & Knedlík and his friends.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 199.24
    (CZK 5,000)
  • sold 1
    ​🤗🤗 🤗 Greater Knedlík´s Supporter

    I want - so so much - to support the edition of the book  Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství. I will receive three books,  a special thank you from the authors and a personal drawing me & Knedlík, his friends and my favourite food.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 398.49
    (CZK 10,000)
  • sold 2
    💰 The Greatest Knedlík’s Supporter

    I want to become a sponsor of the second edition of the book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství. I will have my logo or my name printed inside the book and in addition 5 books with delivery within the Czech Republic.

    Reward delivery: Zásilkovna, in a quarter after the Hithit project end

    EUR 996.21
    (CZK 25,000)
  • Sold out!!
    ☕Knedlík in Milan

    I want one book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství, handed over personally in Milan by one of the authors. 

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.92
    (CZK 500)
  • Sold out!!
    ☕Knedlík in Athens

    I want one book Knedlík a jeho dobrodružství, handed over personally in Athens by one of the authors.

    Reward delivery: in half a year after the Hithit project end

    EUR 19.92
    (CZK 500)